
Warm Up Your Fingers to Take on Reflexive Shooter SPINRUSH on Android

SPINRUSH, Lubiterum’s maiden game on Android is a bit of a colorful thing. It calls for plenty of quick reflexes and maybe some blinders as well, but if you’re into fast paced shooter games, you could easily jump into this one.

In SPINRUSH, you encounter a color shifting spaceship that orbits around several layers of colored discs. Your main objective is to focus your ship’s lasers onto the gaps in the rotating discs and shoot them, but only if they are of the same color as your ship. As you can imagine, you’re going to need a steady hand-to-eye coordination to make this work. The challenges become more pronounced as you play on because the spinning discs will go on overdrive mode making it next to impossible to achieve your goals.

Thankfully, the controls are solid enough to keep those frustration levels low. And before too long, you may realize that the game is actually quite addictive. If you’ve got scores that are noteworthy, you can share them on online leaderboards and tease the rest of the folks who are bamboozled by all the insane spinning!

SPINRUSH is available on the Play Store for the price of free. Take it for a whirl and let us know how you fared.

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