
Infiltration Action Game Hundred Fires (not Metal Gear) Makes its Mark on Android

David Amado Fernandez, who created the fan game Metal Gear : Outer Heaven has released a new infiltration action game on Google Play called Hundred Fires (not Metal Gear). David states that although the game draws inspiration from Metal Gear: Outer Heaven it has nothing to do with the Metal Gear Solid series.

Brigade 2506, a CIA sponsored paramilitary group was defeated by the armed forces of Fidel Castro in the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961. You play a soldier Valero Montenegro in the brigade who gets involved in a nuclear war conspiracy in cold war Cuba.

You will make use of your espionage skills to sneak into the enemy territory and take down the armed soldiers in first person or third person shooter style. You can also hide, crawl into bushes and secret passages to sneak an attack on the enemies.

Along the way you pick up items and keys that will help you move to the next level in the game. Hundred Fires looks like an interesting enough game with realistic 3D graphics, intense conversations and engaging action sequences. For anyone who is interested, it is available on the Play Store for just over a dollar.

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