
Toss Out Endless Incoming Zombies in Zombie Rush Infinite Tap Lite

Zombie Rush Infinite Tap is a shooter game where you play a lone enraged hero called Ralph who must kill an endless army of zombies with his handy weapons. The game is a bit of a mindless entertainer where you simply keep tapping at the hordes of zombies who are coming toward you. As you level up in the game, you meet more powerful zombies and must upgrade your weapons and skills to meet the increasing difficulties.

There are five different zombies you will take on in the game: Berserk, Office, Armored, Fat, and Buff who carry different strengths. While at the start of the game you only have a handgun at your disposal, you can pick up more powerful ones like the assault rifle, submachine gun, and sniper rifle as you level up.

You can also exterminate the zombies by burning, exploding, and teleporting them out of the screen. If you’re having a real party with the dead guys, you can share your gameplay screenshots with your friends on Twitter. There isn’t anything more to the game though and if tapping infinitely on miniscule zombies is something you think you’ll enjoy, you can pick up the game from the Play Store for free.

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