
It’s All In The Thumbs With Thumb Car Racing

Most racing games for mobile nowadays are all tilt controlled. This is cool and all but can have some issues and in general get tiring of moving your hands around so much. Thumb Car Racing by GamYO! Studio solves this first world problem by making their cars easy to control. So easy you control them with only your thumb in portrait mode!

In general, Thumb Car Racing is a stock car racing game that has over 120 tracks and over 40 cars to race. Tracks are crazy which makes them super fun to race on and you can challenge up to nine people in races! Along the way you collect coins and such which you can use to upgrade your car, buy boosters and unlock new cars. The best aspect of Thumb Car Racing is that it is entirely free! That is right, there are no in-app purchases whatsoever so all the goals are achievable. Racing games lately have been getting fairly complicated one could say so Thumb Car Racing brings it down a bit and focuses just on the fun. Check it out on the Google Play store today!

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