Inspired by classic adventure games on the SNES, Saga Heroes by Wasatch Games has made it onto the OUYA as a demo for now. As of now it is only a demo but is looking for funding on Kickstarter. I have high hopes for Saga Heroes as it is in the same realm as Saga RTS which was award winning. This time around, Saga Heroes is to be a unique blend of RPG, action and adventure and I can’t wait for it!
Gameplay is fairly quest heavy giving you hours upon hours of story driven quests. This fits in well as the world is very immersive and you’ll find yourself learning more and more of the intricate lore behind it all. Action wise has you going into various dungeons, temples and such fighting evil. Everything in Saga Heroes is in a top down perspective which again is inspired by retro games. While only the demo is available now the graphics look great and what they have planned seems really unique. I urge you who have OUYAs to check out Saga Heroes and if you like what you see then go to their Kickstarter and help them out.