A lot of retro games are getting mobile ports lately such as Simon the Sorcerer and more. But now comes a retro game that I never expected to make the mobile leap, Rocket Ranger. If you don’t know Rocket Ranger it is pretty understandable as it was a small game from 1988 that originated on the Amiga but was also on the NES, Commodore 64, and Atari. It features all the over the top action that you’d expect from Saturday morning cartoon serials and was received highly at the time.
So it is great that now everyone has the chance to play Rocket Ranger again and play some good old fashioned nostalgia. The story behind Rocket Ranger is that an urgent message from the future arrives telling tales of World War II being won by the National Socialists. Future scientists send a jet propelled rocket suit, a radon gun and a secret decoder wheel to Rocket Ranger in an effort to change history and save mankind. Whether it is good or bad, Cinemaware brought back Rocket Ranger in all its glory. Other retro mobile ports have gotten graphical improvements and such but Rocket Ranger is completely the same in all aspects. If you’re interested in playing some old fashioned gaming, you can download Rocket Ranger for $1.99 on Google Play today.