
Its Zombie Slay-hem Like You’ve Never Seen Before in Last Heroes – The Final Stand

The thirst for a zombie shooter game is never ending. We’ve killed a thousand different types of them in a thousand different ways and yet, when another one pops up on the Play Store, we just find ourselves hitting that download button again. I’m talking about RV AppStudios latest zombie shooter Last Heroes – The Final Stand.

After bashing zombies for some years now, you should know the rap. The world has been taken over by zombies and yeah, you haven’t been brained out yet, and are therefore humanity’s only remaining hope.

So pull out your stockpile of weapons, upgrade them and blow away over 12 different types of undead before they get to you. Simple!

This 2D defense shooter features 3 game modes and over 3 powerful heroes to switch between. You can choose from over 8 powerful weapons and make use of some special powers as well when things get too hot to handle. No zombie shooter is complete without boss battles you say? Well, there’s plenty of them in this one, so no worries.

The whole game has a lively cartoony feel and the music and sounds are easily appealing. You can also challenge your Facebook friends as you tackle over 100 challenging levels in the game.

Last Heroes – The Final Stand is optimized for tablet devices, which I think would be worth playing on considering the stunning visuals on display. Grab this free to play game but be advised that there are IAPs involved in this one.

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