
Heroes : A Grail Quest; Old School Simplicity

Ready to go on an adventure in a fantasy world full of wonder but also monsters? Heroes : A Grail Quest by Gave Dev Team takes this rather common trope and turns it into the theme for this latest game. The story is that you play a hero and his army as you travel across the land in search of an ancient artifact to save the kingdom!

While the theme has been done time and time again it sort of makes since for Heroes : A Grail Quest as it purposely follows “old school” turn based strategy ideas. This also means the gameplay is rather old fashioned. Note that that isn’t a bad thing and actually a selling point for many. The world in Heroes : A Grail Quest is vast and you will find many cool things. There are plenty of monsters to battle as well as recruit, a bunch of artifacts to find and magic spells to use. Graphics are in 3D but clean and not all that blocky like you see in most “3D” games. Overall, Heroes : A Grail Quest is a great game that has all its bases covered. You can get it now for $1.

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