
Balance Beams and Boxes to Build Tall Structures in Puzzle Game Crazy Buildings

P.S Team have launched their first game on Android called Crazy Buildings. It’s a puzzle game that should be really something the kids will enjoy. It requires you to build the tallest possible structures from the resources given to you.

The resources include beams, boxes, and figures of different sizes and shapes. You can rotate the structures and arrange them in any order you like but your aim should be to create a standing structure that’s tall enough to reach the mark indicated at the top of the screen.

You lose the game if the structure you built falls down before the clock winds down, but its not really too complicated to achieve that, at least in the initial stages of the game.

Crazy Buildings features cute graphics and the structures themselves are of 17 different types and are available in different colors. There are 64 fun levels, but you will have to pay if you wish to play beyond the half way mark.

Check out Crazy Buildings if you like to chill out with a relaxing puzzle game in your spare time.

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