
Award Winning Laza Knitez Comes To OUYA

Laza Knitez! And yes you have to say/spell it that way, is an award winning action multiplayer game from Glitchnap that has made the rounds on PC and such and is now on the OUYA! Laza Knitez has received top awards from a variety of Indie showcases and the press has been all over it. So now you OUYA owners have the pleasure of playing this awesome game.

If you don’t know much about Laza Knitez you are in for a treat. At its core it is a ridiculous game where you shoot laser lances at your opponents in an effort to kill them. All of this is done way over the top with bright colors and flashes all in pixel art. There is a huge focus on multiplayer and Laza Knitez’s main feature is the four player local LAN multiplayer. If you don’t have any friends or want to go solo for a while there is a single player mode against enemy AI. There is also support for Xbox and Playstation controllers if you are a fan of that compatibility. Overall, Laza Knitez is fast paced fun at its finest.

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