
New Game from Level-5, Wonder Flick, Coming to Android in November

Back in May Level-5 announced three completely new RPG titles coming to mobile devices. One of these was called Wonder Flick and now a formal release date is out…November. Wonder Flick is also slated to hit consoles in 2014. Wonder Flick is also being directed by Level-5 head Akihiro Hino with the soundtrack by Nobuo Uematsu (Of the Final Fantasy and Blue Dragon series).

Not much is really known about Wonder Flick still but it is being described as a RPG that revolves around searching for treasure as you hunt, trade, and find items.  It has already been mentioned that new content will be coming post-release to add new monsters, lands and items. Supposedly Wonder Flick is going to be a  free to play game relying on microtransactions which we will see how they implement them. Another interesting factor is that your save data is cross platform in a system Level-5 is calling UNIPLAY so you can play on your Android device and then play the same file on your Xbox One. Also worth mentioning is that each platform is said to have its own exclusive content.  All together Wonder Flick certainly seems interesting and can’t wait for November to see how it turns out.

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