
Loqheart Games Readies its Wizard Academy SIM Prestige for Android

Harry Potter fans will surely be excited with Loqheart’s latest SIM, Prestige, a game that mixes good old fashioned schooling with magic battles and adventures. The game is likely to draw similarities to the hugely popular Harry Potter, but instead of a student wizard, you’re more likely to be playing the role of Dumbledore, managing the wizard academy. As the headmaster of the academy, your job will be to recruit students and professors, choose spells and missions that students should undertake, and see the students pass off with top grades.

Prestige (1)

Managing a wizard academy is no easy task as you will find out. The school will face attacks from all sorts of monsters and you must be prepared to defend it using magic spells. Students, being students, will engage in all sorts of mischief, get into arguments with their professors and you’ll have to keep ironing out all the problems as you go along. After all, you won’t want any of your students or professors turned into a frog by any chance would you?

Prestige (2) Prestige (3)

You will also train students to perfect their spells, send them on missions, produce and sell magic goods, and invite friends’ academies to join your circle and take on collaborative missions or magic battles. You can equip your students with shields and potions and even abort missions if the combats become fearsome, leaving your students susceptible to grievous injuries or death. The fun factor in the game is that you can even go on fun treasure hunts and secret stealth missions instead of just combats.

At the end of the day, your goal is to earn Prestige and become the best Wizard Academy in the world. Prestige will a free to play SIM when it arrives, and until the launch date is announced, you can enjoy these splendid screenshots.

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