Racing games are aplenty but I doubt you’ve played one in recent times in a Roman circus. Qvadriga, a tactical and brutal chariot racing game has been unleashed onto the Play Store, so that you can get your fill of Roman glory and fame as successful charioteers.
In Qvadriga, you get to manage your very own chariot racing team. You train your charioteers, assign them the best tools for the job, and send them off to the Roman circus where you have a chance of earning wealth, fame, and glory.
Chariot racing comes with its own dangers as rival teams try to scupper your chances at victory by harming your charioteers. You must be prepared to have your replacements ready and then make use of smart racing moves such as whipping the horses, blocking enemy paths, shaking the reins and avoiding incoming attacks to seal your victory.
The game is available to play as a turn based strategy game but you can also play continuously in real time. You initially start off your campaign in a lowly track and then as you win events and earn wealth, you get the chance to unlock 43 other circuses and customize and upgrade your gear.
If you’re a die hard fan of racing games or management SIMs or just love chariot racing in Rome, you can pick up the tablet friendly version of Qvadriga for $9.99.