
Award Winning Endless Runner Buddy & Me Looking for Friends on the Play Store

Life without the company of good friends is meaningless. Sunbreak Games invites you to join their friendly endless runner Buddy & Me for a wonderful journey into a magical dreamland.

Buddy & Me takes you into a beautifully animated world filled with adorable characters, inquisitive creatures and amazing wonders. You play the role of a young boy who enters a dream world with his floppy-eared friend aptly named Buddy.

You and your companion will will jump, glide, swing and fly past obstacles, pick up collectibles, and vie for top scores on the leaderboard. If you love animated movies, Buddy & Me’s graphics and music will surely bring back happy memories.

Buddy & Me may not be the most challenging or goal oriented game you’ve ever played, but it is sure to be one that brings out the child in you. And there’s not many a game that can do that.

Enjoy a relaxing evening with this adorable game which is available on the Play Store for just under a dollar.

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